Sunday, 19 August 2018

Welcome to The 3-Month Craft Challenge

Members of the CCDCU Facebook Group have been given a 3-Month Challenge not to buy any more new items for their craft stash and only use the crafty goodies that they already have.  You all know the ones I mean: the ones that you really, really "needed" about 3 (or more) years ago but now languish at the back of a cupboard or at the bottom of a drawer since you bought them.  There may even be some stash lying long-forgotten since you last clapped eyes on it when you put it in the attic pre-millennium because it may come in useful one day!

The challenge will begin on Monday 27 August 2018 and will last for 3 months until Monday 26 November 2018.

Any craft can be used, be it card making, mixed media, sewing, knitting, jewellery absolutely anything you can make something with from your stash is fair game.

Only items purchased no later than Sunday 26 August 2018 can be used, although if you need basic essentials like glue, tape or thread that's ok.

Just think, this could be the time to start those C*******s cards and presents - think of the money you could save to make personal pressies for friends and loved ones.

I will be using the InLinz tool to allow participants to add their pictures. Images can be added from your phone/pc, linked to your personal blog or a picture sharing site like Instagram or Pinterest.

A new link will be published every week so you can show what you've made in the previous 7 days.

I have added a practice link on this page so you can get yourselves familiar with it.  Any problems, please give me a shout:

1.  Use if image on blog

2.  Use if uploading from your computer or phone

3.  Use to upload from Pinterest.

Please only link to personal pages or sites, 
no links to selling pages or commercial sites.


  1. Best idea I have seen and so excited at the prospect of taking part in the challenge.

  2. I think doing this will be really great fun and challenge me to use my stash in different ways. It’ll be great to see how others do things too. (Think of the fun filling the space will be in the New Year Sales ����)

    1. Glad you can join us. Just think of the money you could save and the presents you can make for you know when (as it's still summer so I'm not going to use the C*******s word)!

  3. I am well up for this xxx--I used to take part in a similar thing on a monthly basis with another site, but sadly they stopped doing it. It's great fun and makes your brain work to re-think your stash that you haven't looked at for ages or that you are sick of seeing LOL

    1. Gad you can join us.

      Hopefully folks will save money too buy not buying more stash.

  4. Kick off is 0001hrs BST Monday 27 August.

  5. I am actually looking forward to seeing how long i can last. i am terrible at popping into any shop and coming out with something for my craftroom xx

  6. You can still shop for the basics, if that helps, lol!

  7. Great idea, will be joining in

  8. How is everyone getting on ready for Monday, not long to go good luck all. so looking forward to see everyone's makes. Day off Sunday going to get some sorting done. have a good weekend all xxx
